Saturday, June 30, 2012

Met my Bead Soup partner , and thought that i need more info about what I do on here !!!

*****First off i'm SOOO sorry i wrote this whole thing , tryed to spell check it and NOTHING !!!  it's not workin , so i'm sosorry .. i'll try again later to get it to be correct , i'm embarrsed to publish this withou the spell check but i'm scared i'll loose the whole post if i dont so .... please ingore the misspellings !!****

    Hey all my Bead~a~holic , and Bead obsessed friends ,

I Met my Bead Soup partner that will be my Swapping partner ... It's sooooooooo Exciting , she gave me a little bit of a hint to what I will be getting because she had to ask me if i did a certian type or work , ((( But i'm not tellling what ... you'll just have to hop over here when we revele)) and She sent me video on how to do the aformentioned work , however i used will power NOT to look at what i'll be doing untill I get my pacage ... my partner and I are in the secount reveal on August 11th ....I'm nervious about having Beaders block , getting pretty shiney beads and then being unable to figure out WHAT to do with them .... well I have many magazines and a WHOLE internet to get some hints , idears and tecnuques off of , (not that i'd COPY but just something to give me ispration ), so I think i should be fine... Wich brings me to everyone sking me ... What do you do ,? What kinda jewerly do you make ? ... and i relized that since i was unable to keep my Etsy page up , that , I need to post moe of my work , so I'm going to Thrill and Excite you on here with some of my pretties ... They may not all be beads ,,, but they are all Crafty and things i'm proud of making ... 

 This is my newest obbesition , needlefelting , it's lesser known , but it's sooo delightlfully fun ...

This flower is the SAME flower one side is blue one side is pink .. how sweet is it !?

My daughter asked for her own blue birdy because her fav color is blue ... so i made her that one ,however now , shes asking for 3 babies , a daddy and a nest ... Ohh jeez !!!!!!

My birdies ... i have two more in the making and one that has been orderd ... one in brown ad greens , and a pink one for a breast cancer survivor ! .. I'm excited .. I adore needle felting !!

My rings and braclets !!

This one abov was fun , I took amathyst chips , and used some craft wire and just kept adding an threading an twisting , and i really love how it came out !

I Had thies green and white polymer clay beads for awile , not shure where i got them ,I can't make anything QUTE that fancy yet But I did add some green wire and do some fancy wire wraping , wich i could NOT get any good photos of that they all came out looking like one peice not fancy wrapped wire ... but i think it's very sweet !!

I showed this one in my first blog , but its still my faroate , buttons and beads and wire in a ring , how sweet !!!!

This was my first attempt at useing a plain recycled wood bangle that was all scrached up , and i used strips of fabric and Mod Podge and then spay sealed it because the mod podge can get sticky , but it came out really cool , I wish i could get way more detail , but smetimes 50 photos and you never can get the right picture ... oh well !!!!

This is unfinished wood braclet , that i painted , I had painted a flower pot first with the same colors , and LOVED it , so i thought THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE AS A BRACLET .. and i did it , i glazed it with Triple thick gloss , and it came out JUST like i wanted it to !!!

I just loved this , it was a kit from the local bead store and i thought it came out sooooo pretty , It was soooo simple , i'm gonna have to make more !!!!

               (And just before I sat down to finish this i let my dog out on her lead , I hear a commotion ... then it smells like rotting onions and candy , and i grab her inside .. get her in her crate were she sleeps , and creep to the wondow with a flash light and what do i see ... A LITTLE SNUNK !!!!! ... I mean it's not that "skunky smell that one normaly assoites with  skunk , its this Rotten Onion , sweet, almost sickingly so smell ... It burns my nose and GOD IT STINKS ... TRUST ME I RATHER HAVE THE TYPICAL SNUNK SMELL U RANDOMLY GET A WIFF OF WHEN A CAR HITS ONE OR U SMELL IT OUTSIDE .. THIS IS MUCH MUCH ,MUCH WORSE !!!!")

         ANYWAY , after all THAT drama .. I will get a closepin for my nose and continiue on , (PU.. YUCK ) Now to the Jewerly and pretties  !!!

I made this necklass at the same time i made a pink one that you'll see in a moment ! .. but we had a Blizzard in October last year , it was horrbal in one night we had a foot & a half of snow with a topping of 3 inches of ice ,pulling down trees , power lines , we lost power for a week , my daughter missed Halloween because of it , and well we had to leave our house , and my mil has a old slow computer , My laptop woulent hook up to there internet , we had a puppy , so what did i do??? well being the craft slut that i am I just packed up two huge tote bins full of beads , findings , tools , etc ... and sat in a tv room and beaded , and made 2 beautfull necklasss that weekend and some earings , and ealier that year , was the Tornaido that hit the NE and it knocked out power for almost 2 weeks and well , there are places that still have NOT been fixes ..

Anyway back to the pretties.......

The earings i made with some gourgous hand made glass beads I got...They ended up getting given to a teacher as a end of the year gift nice to make something pretty for you .even better to make someting and give it to someone else, and make them happy !!!

   My first try at "Chain malle" .... Sorta , White metal butterfly connector , sliver tone jumprings and colored jump rings from "The jump ring lady"


        A pair of what we've come to call around here "My signuture earings " pearls and crystals , I've done allot lately , and it's what has been selling for me , and i'm happy about that , this is my fav pair so far , this pair is for me !! Useing Swarviski Cryastals and pearls ... but normaly I use high quailty crystals , but not always swarviski because they can be expencive , as long as they dont break , or have horrbaly rough edges ,i will use them , and glass pearls


I had this fun charm that was JUST like thies and I loved it so I made a whole bunch and made a charm braclet ... and BOY did it take allong time to make all of thoes flowers !!!!!


And this ADORABAL pair of green earings was a request from a friend ... they came out sooo darling that i was asked to make another pair in purple for the mom , and i think i may have to make one for myself soon :)
(Also i love how the two pictures fit here like this )

This is another snow storm pair ... I think the first i was wishing that snow was not around but that i'd have fall at least , and with this one , I was hopeing for thoes first colors of spring !!! even if there was some snow on the ground :)

This is my tattoo , the Stars are rembermance for a friend who passed , and my daughter , I designed it myself , and he did it almost excatly how i wanted it but BETTER !!!!! ... The feather on top , looks like it's drawing the stars , but the Feather was done 2 years after the first one , the Feather was done by the AWESOME people at in Eastampton Ma , (there amazing !!) and the Feather was part of about 4 pages of flash art for the last Harry Potter movie Picking one of the flash art immiages an you could choose the shadeing , or color , etc .. it was 50$ first come first serve and i got hereat 11 am and got my tattoo at 6pm but it was SOOO worth it .. the 50$ from EACH tattoo done went to a libairy children program , they rased almot 5000$ i belive .. they tattod untill midnight ...

This is a alterd art pendent , anyone tell me what it's made of , and how i got the immage on there ???? maybe if you do , and I have more then 4 people comment and get it right , i'll send them a little gift !!!!!!!!!!!!!! so go on GUESS GUESS

The Tea pots and cups were part of a Alice in wonderland challange i had , however the main componiant got broken and i was to late to start over but ain't they cute , there fitted with headpins and jump rings ... perfict for making a charm braclet with ...Hummmm i may just do that :)

The sweet ending !

This is something else i dabble in , CAKE DECORATING !!! ... This is one of the first things i got into , I was the youngest girl to take course 1 & 2 that the instructor ever gave i was only 9 , but i was better then some of the other older women , Ive lost some of it this was me jumping back in , and my first try in a LONG time , but i still think it looked yummy and it tasted sooo good , I made all my own frosting .....

And that is the End ... I hope you got a little idea of what i'm about from this blog , I hope you enjoy it , comment and keep reading ... Thanks for your time , and Blessings to all ... HAPPY BEADING MY FELLOW BEADHOLICS , AND Craft Junkies !!! and i'll be writing in soon , probly with some of my NEW OBBESSION ... BEAD SWAPPING , I have a rainbow one and Lori's Bead soup !!! ..


  1. Thank you so much for commenting .. it makes my day ... sometimes I wonder if i'm talking to myself !

  2. I love needle felting. Those birdies are so cute and I love that your daughter wanted a whole family of them!
